Half-Life Extended Drug Application in Rheumatoid Arthritis

For Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use.

Creative Biolabs has many years of experience in the field of half-life extended. Based on our platform and professional scientific knowledge, we are fully equipped to help our clients with difficulty dealing with half-life extended drugs in Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Introduction of RA

RA is a chronic disorder that can cause joint pain and is harmful to various body systems. It is characterized by multiple joints, symmetry, and aggressive joint inflammation of the hand and foot facet joints. As the disease progresses, it can lead to cartilage and bone damage. Although RA is a chronic disease, it brings a huge burden to individuals and society. The personal burden stems from musculoskeletal defects, which are accompanied by a decline in physical function, quality of life, and cumulative risk of comorbidities. In addition to the main direct medical expenses, the socioeconomic burden also includes functional disability, reduced work ability, and reduced social participation. Moreover, RA may increase the risk of osteoporosis, infections, heart problems, lung disease, and lymphoma.

Common Symptoms of RA

  • Swelling, tenderness, and warmth in the joints
  • Joint stiffness and pain are even worse in the mornings and after rest
  • Fatigue and fever
  • Loss of appetite

Application of Half-life Extended Drug in Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Anti-IL-6R sdAb
    The preclinical pharmacology of a high-affinity anti-IL-6R sdAb supports its clinical development in RA. The pleiotropic cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a key pro-inflammatory cytokine and plays a significant role in RA. The sdAb is a high-affinity anti-IL-6 receptor sdAb. The sdAb consists of only two domains. One domain was directed against IL-6R to inhibit its pro-inflammatory activities. The second domain was designed to target human serum albumin to get an extended half-life. This formed small structure can convey high potency and could apply to RA.
  • A Novel PEGylated Humanized Anti-TNF Fragment
    Prolonging the antibody fragment half-life can be achieved by conjugation of PEG and other polymers PEGylation. A new anti-TNF-α antibody fragment was developed. Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) will affect the pathogenesis of RA. Patients will reduce inflammation, improve symptoms, and delay joint damage after the use of TNF-α blocking agents. The novel anti-TNF-α antibody fragment was modified by PEG conjugation to obtain a prolonged half-life. The antibody fragment was very well tolerated and has an extended duration of action. Studies have shown that it can be used as an effective and novel way to deal with RA.
    Albumin is a valuable drug carrier for methotrexate (MTX) to tumors. Because the synovium of patients with RA has a variety of common characteristics with tumors, albumin-based drug targeting might be a promising way of inflamed joints. Some results show that compared with MTX, MTX-albumin was more effective in the suppression of the onset of RA. Therefore, albumin appears to be a suitable drug carrier in RA by increasing the therapeutic efficacy and reducing the side effects of MTX.

Many strategies have been pursued to increase the half-life of drugs in RA in Creative Biolabs. With a wealth of experience, we can provide customers with half-life extension services. Please contact us for detailed information.

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For Research Use Only. Not for Clinical Use.
